Service Category

Tax Services Portal

By entering the personal area it will be possible to access the Tax Services Portal to consult your TARI (local tax) position, registered in the database, process and print F24 forms.

General Information

Service Description

In this section, you can find your information as a taxpayer to verify its accuracy. Additionally, specifically for TARI (waste tax), you have the ability to:

  • Check the payments made in recent years.
  • Review the accounting details and download F24 forms to make tax payments, even if these have not been received at your residence.
  • Send messages to the notice board of the tax office, avoiding the need to visit the tax offices in person.

Link: More information

Intended users

Service for Citizens, accessible upon authentication

Service for Citizens

Service for Professionals, accessible upon authentication

Service for Professionals

Service for Enterprises, accessible upon authentication

Service for Enterprises
Access Modes

Access to the services is only possible in authenticated mode.

Authenticated access can be made through one of the listed modes below.

Please refer to the links for details on each access mode.

SPID is the Public Digital Identity System that ensures all citizens and businesses a unique, secure, and protected access to digital services offered by the Public Administration and participating private entities.

The Electronic Identity Card (CIE) is the identification document for Italian citizens that allows access to online services provided by authorized Public Administrations.

The National Service Card (CNS) is a network identification tool that enables the use of public administration services. The CNS does not contain the holder's photo and does not require specific security features for the plastic support.

Contacts and References

IMU and TARI Services – The Manager
Paola Sabadin
Address: Via Diocleziano, 330