Service Category
Demographic Services
By entering your reserved area it will be possible to consult your personal data sheet, process self-certifications, consult your electoral data, produce online certificates of registry or marital status. To access these services you must authenticate directly to the Demographic Services Portal using SPID or CIE credentials.
General Information
The online service allows you to consult and download data relating to:
Personal data sheet
Voting paper
Online certificates
For more information, access the dedicated section of the institutional website by clicking on the following
Link: Municipality of Naples - Statistics and demographic services
The Demographic Services portal allows the provision of services following authentication.
Authenticated access can be done via one of the methods listed below
Please refer to the links for details of each access method.

SPID is the Public Digital Identity System that guarantees all citizens and businesses unique, safe and protected access to the digital services of the Public Administration and participating private entities.

The Electronic Identity Card (CIE) is the identity document of Italian citizens that allows access to the online services of authorized Public Administrations.
Information Procedure
The following types of online services are available:
Viewing personal data sheet
The service allows the viewing of the main personal data relating to the authenticated user.
It is also possible to download the .pdf files relating to the personal data sheet and family status.
Download Pre-compiled certifications
The "Self-certifications" service allows citizens to present, in place of the traditional required certifications, their personal statuses and requirements, through the appropriate declarations signed (signed) by the interested party.
The signature no longer needs to be authenticated. Self-certification replaces certificates without the need to subsequently present the actual certificate.
Issuance of certificates online
This service allows you to download one or more of the following civil status and personal details certificates relating to the authenticated user:
- Family status with kinship relationship
- Existence in life - Resident
- Citizenship
- Residence
- Family status
- Marriage certificate
- Marriage extract
- Birth certificate
- Birth extract
Viewing ballot paper
The service makes the user's electoral data available, including information associated with the ballot paper
Download residency certification forms
The service makes available the forms for declaration of residence and change of residence.
Below are the locations of the central registry and civil status offices (Soccavo office) and peripheral offices (at the Municipalities)
Orari per i contatti telefonici: dal lunedì al venerdì 09:00 - 12:30
Orari di apertura al pubblico: martedì e giovedì dalle 08:30 alle 12.30
Orari per i contatti telefonici: dal lunedì al venerdì 09:00 - 12:30
Orari di apertura al pubblico: martedì e giovedì dalle 08:30 alle 12.30
Esclusivamente per gli Enti che devono ottenere il nulla osta al rilascio della carta di identità ai residenti a Napoli che ne fanno richiesta presso altro Comune, inviare una comunicazione al seguente indirizzo: