Service Category
Urban planning Map Viewer
The service allows the user to navigate an urban map of the Naples metropolitan area to consult different types of urban planning information
General Information
This WEBGIS system has been developed as part of the PON Metro 2014/2020 NA1.1.1.l project – Participatory and Digital Management Platform for Environment and Territory.
You can access the WEBGIS just by clicking on "Access the service" button, no authentication is required. A new window will pop up and show the urban map of metropolitan area of Naples.
On top a navigation bar with zoom, arrows, etc. will allow you to move on the map. On the left, a vertical menu is offering several tools. For instance, "Elenco layer" pops up a small window to show a hierarchy of selectable layers.
Each time a layer is selected, the corresponding georeferenced information are added to the map. The tool "Ambito" instead, is used for select the cities of the metropolitan area to show.
By clicking on "Ricerche" a small window pops up and you can query the WEBGIS to find a specific cadastral parcel by entering the sheet and parcel number (land registry).
You can also search by street name: by typing, for example, 'Imbriani' the system will find Via Matteo Imbriani, Via Paolo Imbriani, Via Vittorio Imbriani, and for each, it will propose a tab, zooming in to include the streets found on the map (map information is not visible when the zoom is too wide).
Note: Pop-up windows must be enabled in your browser.
An online guide is also available WEBGIS.
Service for all citizens, authentication is not needed.
Contacts and References
Urban Planning Offices
In order to avoid overcrowding in the offices open to the public, receiving visitors will ONLY BE BY APPOINTMENT, as outlined on the following page: