Service Category
Online booking - Local Tax (TARI) Office
This service provides the citizens with an online booking service for the Local Tax (TARI) Offices of City of Naples
General Information
Local Tax (TARI) office hours at Lucci street No. 66/82 are 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Monday through Friday.
Click "Access the service" to book an appointment in person at our offices in Corso Lucci. Authentication is required. Once booked, the taxpayers will be contacted back by phone or email.
Alternatively, to avoid crowding at the offices, you can also submit a declaration of registration/variation/cessation or any other type of request related to TARI through the following methods:
- By sending an email to the following addresses:
- PEC (certified email):
- Regular email:
- By accessing the online Tax Services Portal. This method should only be used for applications of registration/variation/cessation.
For further information, you can call the numbers listed in the "Contacts" section at the bottom of the page, from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM, Monday to Friday.
Link: More Information
Service for citizens, authentication needed.
Service for Professionals, accessible upon authentication
Service for Companies, accessible upon authentication
Access to the services is possible only in authenticated mode.
Authentication process is performed by one of the systems below
Please refer to the links for details of each system.

SPID is the public digital identity system that guarantees all citizens and companies a secure and protected access to digital services of the Public Administration and participating private entities.

CIE is the identity document of Italian citizens. It comes as a smart card with the photo of the holder and a microchip containing personal data. CIE allows the verification of the holder identity and the access to online services of Public Administration both in Italy and in European Union countries.

CNS is an online identification tool that allows the access to Public Administration services. It comes as a device (smartcard or token) equipped with a microchip containing the personal data. The smartcard does not contain the photo of the holder.