Service Category
SUAP - Archive of proceedings
The service allows access to the archive of SUAP proceedings submitted until 22 March 2021; after that date, all the SUAP services are provided through I1G "Impresa in Un Giorno" platform. Access to SUAP archive is permitted only to professionals who have already submitted their proceedings through the older platform.
General Information
The SUAP of the Municipality of Naples has joined the impresainungiorno portal and for this reason from 23 March 2021 the procedures can be submitted exclusively by connecting to the website:
The online SUAP application remains operational exclusively in archive mode for all practices already processed and submitted electronically to SUAP before the migration to the impresainungiorno chamber of commerce platform, which took place on 23 March 2021.
By joining impresainungiorno, the way of paying the investigation fees to which the SUAP telematic procedures of the Municipality of Naples are subject has also changed. From 23 March 2021 these rights will in fact be paid, solely and exclusively, through the PagoPA portal nested in impresainungiorno (
Link: Approfondisci
Service for Citizens, accessible after authentication
Service for Professionals, accessible after authentication
Access to the services is possible only in authenticated mode
Authenticated access can be done via one of the methods listed below
Please refer to the links for details of each access method.

SPID is the Public Digital Identity System that guarantees all citizens and businesses unique, safe and protected access to the digital services of the Public Administration and participating private entities.

The Electronic Identity Card (CIE) is the identity document of Italian citizens that allows access to the online services of authorized Public Administrations.

The National Service Card (CNS) is an online identification tool that allows the use of public administration services. The CNS does not contain the photo of the owner and does not require particular security requirements for the plastic support.