Service Category
Traffic Violations Fines and Administrative Sanctions
By clicking on "Access the Service" it will be possible to consult fines, reports, notices and view images of violations of the Highway Code relating to Limited Traffic Zones (ZTL) and Pedestrian Areas.
General Information
By clicking on "Access the service," it will be possible to access, upon authentication, the following information:
- Pre-notices
- Tickets
- Images of violations in Limited Traffic Zones (ZTL) and Pedestrian Areas
By clicking on the following link it will also be possible to consult - without authentication - the following information:
- Removed Vehicles
- Approval and inspection of traffic control devices
- Highway Code (H.C.)
Link: More information
Service for Citizens, accessible upon authentication
Service for Professionals, accessible upon authentication
Service for Enterprises, accessible upon authentication
Authenticated access can be made through one of the listed modes below
Please refer to the links for details on each access mode
Please refer to the links for details on each access mode

SPID is the Public Digital Identity System that ensures all citizens and businesses a unique, secure, and protected access to digital services offered by the Public Administration and participating private entities.

The Electronic Identity Card (CIE) is the identification document for Italian citizens that allows access to online services provided by authorized Public Administrations.

The National Service Card (CNS) ) is a network identification tool that enables the use of public administration services. The CNS does not contain the holder's photo and does not require specific security features for the plastic support.
References and Contacts
Public opening hours
- Tuesday morning 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, afternoon 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
- Thursday morning 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, afternoon 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM
- Friday morning 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM